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Nov. 10: Roundtable (Munich): „The Russian War Against Ukraine: What remains of Germany's 'pacifism'?“


Runder Tisch Krieg gegen die Ukraine Leibniz-Institut für Zeitgeschichte

The event is being organized by the BMBF research network "Transitional Conflicts." The network investigates how historical processes of change are played out in social and political discourse and under what circumstances this contributes to peace. Within this framework, several locations and disciplines work together to advance the networking of peace and conflict research in Bavaria. The universities of Augsburg, Bayreuth and Nuremberg-Erlangen as well as the Institute of Contemporary History Munich-Berlin are involved.

As part of the research network "Transitional Conflicts", we cordially invite you to the following event: A German-language roundtable discussion on the topic "The Russian War on Ukraine: What Remains of the 'Pacifism' of the Federal Republic?". It will take place at the Leibniz Institute of Contemporary History, Munich (10.11.2022, 18:00).

What impact has the Ukraine war had on pacifist ideas in the Federal Republic of Germany? This question is the focus of the event, which will be attended by representatives of historical scholarship and peace and conflict research. In connection with this, the chances and limits of a foreign policy oriented towards disarmament and non-military conflict resolution will be discussed. Can peace be secured through social, cultural and economic interdependence?

Panel discussion with Corinna Hauswedell (Conflict Analysis and Dialogue, Bonn), Martin Schulze Wessel (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich) and Dietmar Süß (University of Augsburg). Moderation: Andreas Wirsching (Institute of Contemporary History Munich-Berlin), Introduction: Florian Kühn (University of Bayreuth).

Institute of Contemporary History, Leonrodstraße 46 b, 80636 Munich, Germany

Tel. (089) 1 26 88 - 0, muenchen[at]ifz-muenchen.de, Registration deadline: November 8.

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