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Chair for Sociology in Africa - Prof. Dr. Jana Hönke

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Team > Prof. Dr. Jana Hönke

Jana Hönke_500x500 Prof. Dr. Jana Hönke
Jana Hönke_500x500

Faculty of Humanities and Social Science
Department of Sociology

Jana Hönke is professor and chair for Sociology in Africa at the University of Bayreuth. She currently directs the ERC INFRAGLOB project Africa’s Infrastructure Globalities,the DFG project Crafting the space to govern: Non-state practices of legitimation in Africa, and is part of the Postcolonial Hierarchies in Peace and Conflict research network and the research network Conflicts.Meanings.Transitions. Her research is concerned with how governance practices are co-produced and contested, how they travel, and to what effect. Her current work examines how political geographies transform through South-South relations by studying the contested social and security arrangements around multinational companies and large-scale infrastructure projects in Africa. While doing multi-sited fieldwork including in Europe, China and Brazil, much of her work takes place in Sub-Saharan Africa with research conducted in South Africa, Democratic Republic of Congo, Zambia, Tanzania, Mozambique and Guinea.

Prof. Hönke is also the founder of the UBT Peace and Conflict research network, Deputy Spokesperson of the Bavarian Research Alliance Conflict, Peace and Security) and member of the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy Hamburg (IFSH).

She is the author of ‘Transnational Business and Security Governance. Hybrid Practices in a Postcolonial World’ (2013), ‘The Global Making of Policing. Postcolonial Perspectives’ (with Mueller, 2016), and 'Africa's Global Infrastructures. South-South Transformation in Practice' (with Cezne, Yang, 2023). Her articles have appeared in leading journals such as International Political Sociology, Security Dialogue, African Affairs, Governance, World Development, Global Sociology and Environment and Planning D. She is also a co-editor of the Spaces of Peace, Security and Development book series at Bristol University Press and serves on the boards of International Political Sociology, European Journal of International Relations and Security Dialogue.

Previously, she was an Associate Professor and Rosalind Franklin Fellow in International Relations at the University of Groningen. Prior to that she worked as a lecturer in International Relations at the Politics and International Relations Department, University of Edinburgh, and as a researcher at the SFB 700 Research Centre Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood, Freie Universität Berlin. She has been an interim professor at the Centre of Conflict Studies, Philipps-Universität Marburg 2015/16, and held visiting fellowships at the Centre for International Policy Studies and the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, University of Ottawa, the Centre of Criminology, University of Cape Town and the Sociology of Work Unit, University of Witwatersrand. She holds a Magister (MA) in African Studies, Political Science and Economics (University of Leipzig), and a PhD in Political Science from Freie Universität Berlin.

Jana Hönke_500x500

Faculty of Humanities and Social Science
Department of Sociology


monographs and edited volumes

Africa's Global Infrastructures : South–South Transformations in Practice. - Jana Hönke, Eric Cezne, Yifan Mia Yang (Hrsg.). - London : Hurst Publishers, 2024.

Jana Hönke, Markus-Michael Müller: The Global Making of Policing : Postcolonial Perspectives. - London : Routledge, 2016.

Jana Hönke: Transnational companies and security governance : hybrid practices in a postcolonial world. - London : Routledge, 2013.

Tanja A. Börzel, Jana Hönke: Security and Human Rights : Mining Companies between International Commitment and Corporate Practice. - Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2012.

edited special issues

Race and racism in critical security studies. - Mark B. Salter, Emily Gilbert, Jairus Grove, Jana Hönke, Doerthe Rosenow, Anna Stavrianakis, Maria Stern (Hrsg.). - Security Dialogue, 52 (2021), 1 Suppl

Neue politische Geographien von Konflikt und Widerstand = New Political Geographies of Conflict and Resistance. - Jana Hönke (Hrsg.). - IReflect : Student Journal of International Relations, 4 (2017), S2

Special Issue : Governing (In)Security in the Postcolonial World. - Markus-Michael Müller, Jana Hönke (Hrsg.). - Security Dialogue, 43 (2012), 5

papers in peer-reviewed journals

Bretton J. McEvoy, Jana Hönke: Non-accountability as post-colonial harm : rethinking the responsibilities of arms producers. In: Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, (2025). - .

Raoul Bunskoek, Jana Hönke: Party Time : Entering the Lifeworlds and Career Trajectories of Chinese Transnational Professionals in Africa. In: Global Studies Quarterly, 5 (2025). - S. 1-12.

Adam Sandor, Philippe Frowd, Jana Hönke: Productive Failure, African agency, and security cooperation in West Africa : The case of the G5 Sahel. In: European Journal of International Security, (2025). - .

Jan Sändig, Jana Hönke, Claude Kabemba: Contention and concessions : Exploring the responsiveness of Chinese mining companies in Africa. In: The Extractive Industries and Society, 20 (2024). - .

Jana Hönke, Eric Cezne, Yifan Mia Yang: Liminally positioned in the South : Reinterpreting Brazilian and Chinese relations with Africa. In: Global Society, 37 (2023). - S. 197-224.

Eric Cezne, Jana Hönke: The multiple meanings and uses of South–South relations in extraction : The Brazilian mining company Vale in Mozambique. In: World Development, 151 (2022). - .

Jana Hönke, Eric Cezne: Africa's South-South relations : For instance: Mining and railway lines in Mozambique. In: Spektrum : The Science Magazine of the University of Bayreuth, 15 (2019). - S. 62-67.

Jana Hönke, Eric Cezne: Afrikas Süd-Süd-Beziehungen : Zum Beispiel: Bergbau und Eisenbahnstrecken in Mosambik. In: Spektrum, 15 (2019). - S. 62-66.

Jana Hönke, Eric Cezne: Afrikas Süd-Süd-Beziehungen. In: Spektrum, 15 (2019). - S. 44-49.

Jana Hönke: Beyond the gatekeeper state : African infrastructure hubs as sites of experimentation. In: Third World Thematics, 3 (2018). - S. 347-363.

Jana Hönke, Ivan Cuesta-Fernandez: Mobilising security and logistics through an African port : a controversies approach to infrastructure. In: Mobilities, 13 (2018). - S. 246-260.

Jana Hönke: Transnational Clientelism, Global (Resource) Governance, and the Disciplining of Dissent. In: International Political Sociology, 12 (2018). - S. 109-124.

Jana Hönke: Neue Politische Geographien von Konflikt und Widerstand : eine Einleitung. In: IReflect : Student Journal of International Relations, 4 (2017). - S. 3-14.

Jana Hönke: New Political Geographies of Conflict and Resistence : an Introduction. In: IReflect : Student Journal of International Relations, 4 (2017). - S. 15-18.

Jana Hönke, Ivan Cuesta-Fernandez: A topolographical approach to infrastructure : political topography, topology and the port of Dar es Salaam. In: Environment and Planning D : Society and Space, 35 (2017). - S. 1076-1095.

Jana Hönke: Unternehmen für Menschenrechte und Frieden? Zur Reichweite und Performativität freiwilliger Unternehmensstandards. In: Kritische Justiz, 49 (2016). - S. 468-478.

Jana Hönke: Business for peace? : The ambiguous role of "ethical" mining companies. In: Peacebuilding, 2 (2014). - S. 172-187.

Jana Hönke, Christian R. Thauer: Multinational Corporations and Service Provision in Sub-Saharan Africa : Legitimacy and Institutionalization Matter. In: Governance, 27 (2014). - S. 697-716.

Tanja A. Börzel, Jana Hönke, Christian R. Thauer: Does it really take the state?. In: Business and Politics, 14 (2012). - S. 1-34.

Jana Hönke, Markus-Michael Müller: Governing (in)security in a postcolonial world : Transnational entanglements and the worldliness of ‘local’ practice. In: Security Dialogue, 43 (2012). - S. 383-401.

Jana Hönke: Multinationals and Security Governance in the Community : Participation, Discipline and Indirect Rule. In: Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 6 (2012). - S. 57-73.

Jana Hönke: New political topographies : Mining companies and indirect discharge in Southern Katanga (DRC). In: Politique Africaine, 120 (2010). - S. 105-127.

Jan Bachmann, Jana Hönke: 'Peace and Security' as Counterterrorism? The Political Effects of Liberal Interventions in Kenya. In: African Affairs, 109 (2010). - S. 97-114.

Jana Hönke: Sicherheits-Governance in Räumen begrenzter Staatlichkeit. In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 59 (2009). - S. 15-21.

contributions to edited volumes

Jan Sändig, Jana Hönke: Challenging Chinese Mining Companies : NGO Advocacy Practices and the "Boomerang Model". In: Jana Hönke, Eric Cezne, Yifan Mia Yang (Hrsg.): Africa's Global Infrastructures : South–South Transformations in Practice. - London : Hurst Publishers, 2024. - S. 103-126.

Jana Hönke, Eric Cezne, Yifan Mia Yang: Infrastructure Globalities : Emerging Practices at the African Frontier. In: Jana Hönke, Eric Cezne, Yifan Mia Yang (Hrsg.): Africa's Global Infrastructures : South-South Transformations in Practice. - London : Hurst Publishers, 2024. - S. 1-28.

Jana Hönke, Yifan Mia Yang: Liminally Positioned In/Towards the South: Chinese Relations with Africa. In: Ute Fendler, Yongkyu Chang (Hrsg.): Asia-Africa- Multifaceted Engagement in the Contemporary World. - Singapore : Palgrave Macmillan, 2024. - S. 103-126.

Jana Hönke, Eric Cezne, Yifan Mia Yang: South–South Transformations in Practice : Conclusions and Outlook. In: Jana Hönke, Eric Cezne, Yifan Mia Yang (Hrsg.): Africa's Global Infrastructures : South–South Transformations in Practice. - London : Hurst Publishers, 2024.

Jana Hönke: Beyond the gatekeeper state : African infrastructure hubs as sites of experimentation. In: Sara Rich Dorman (Hrsg.): Beyond the Gatekeeper State. - London : Routledge, 2020.

Jana Hönke: Port Geographies : Africa’s Infrastructure Boom and the Reconfiguration of Power and Authority. In: Jon Schubert, Ulf Engel, Elisio Macamo (Hrsg.): Extractive Industries and Changing State Dynamics in Africa. - London : Routledge, 2018. - S. 41-56.

Jana Hönke, Markus-Michael Müller: Brokerage, Intermediation, Translation. In: Thomas Risse, Tanja A. Börzel, Anke Draude (Hrsg.): The Oxford Handbook of Governance and Limited Statehood. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018. - S. 333-352.

Ralph Hamann, Jana Hönke, Tim O’Riordan: Environmental and natural resources. In: Thomas Risse, Tanja A. Börzel, Anke Draude (Hrsg.): The Oxford Handbook of Governance and Limited Statehood. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018. - S. 498-519.

Jana Hönke, Sara Geenen: Land Grabbing by Mining Companies : Local Contentions and State Reconfiguration in South Kivu (DRC). In: An Ansom, Thea Hilhorst (Hrsg.): Losing your Land : Disposession in the Great Lakes. - New York : James Currey Publishers, 2016. - S. 58-81.

Jana Hönke: Business and the uses of 'civil society' : governing Congolese mining areas. In: Clive Gabay, Carl Death (Hrsg.): Critical Perspectives on African Politics : Liberal interventions, state-building and civil society. - London : 2014. - S. 91-107.

Jana Hönke: Between Cause and Cure : the Mining Industry and HIV/AIDS Governance in South Africa. In: Tanja A. Börzel, Christian Thauer (Hrsg.): Business and Governance in South Africa : Racing to the Top?. - London : Palgrave MacMillan, 2013. - S. 67-87.

Jana Hönke, Nicole Kranz, Anna Kristin Müller-Debus, Christian R. Thauer: Business, Governance and Government in South Africa : The Legacy of Apartheid. In: Tanja A. Börzel, Christian Thauer (Hrsg.): Business and Governance in South Africa : Racing to the Top?. - London : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. - S. 18-38.

Jana Hönke, Markus Lederer: Development and International Relations. In: Handbook of International Relations. - Los Angeles : SAGE, 2013. - S. 775-800.

Nicole Kranz, Jana Hönke: Environmental Policy in South Africa. In: Tanja A. Börzel, Christian Thauer (Hrsg.): Business and Governance in South Africa : Racing on the Top?. - London : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. - S. 123-127.

Jana Hönke: Extractive Orders : Transnational Mining Companies in the Nineteenth and Twenty-First Centuries in the Central African Copperbelt. In: Roger Southall, Henning Melber (Hrsg.): A New Scramble for Africa : imperialism, investment and development. - Scotsville : University of KwaZulu-Natal Press, 2009. - S. 274-298.

newspaper article

Roland Töpfer, Jana Hönke, Florian P. Kühn: Ukraine-Krieg : "Russland einen Ausweg anbieten" ; Interview mit Florian Kühn und Jana Hönke. In: Nordbayerischer Kurier, (2022-03-03)


Jana Hönke, Bandi Mbubi, Martin Murray, David Brown: What should the university do about conflict minerals?. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: Ethics Forum Edinburgh, 26.02.2015, University of Edinburgh.

Sarah Boyack, Jana Hönke: #BritainAfrica50 : Fair Trade, Fair Extraction, Fairplay?. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: #BritainAfrica50 - Fair Trade, Fair Extraction, Fairplay?, 27.02.2014, Recorded at the Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh.

Working paper

Jana Hönke, Tanja A. Börzel: Restraint of Statehood and the Quality of Governance by Multinational Companies in Sub-Saharan Africa. - Berlin, 2013. - 36 S.

Jana Hönke, Esther Thomas: Governance for Whom? : Capturing the Inclusiveness and Unintended Effects of Governance. - Berlin, 2012. - 30 S.

Tanja A. Börzel, Jana Hönke: From compliance to practice : mining companies and the voluntary principles on security and human rights in the Democratic Republic of Congo. - Berlin, 2011. - 38 S.

Jana Hönke: Transnational pockets of territoriality : Topographies of security governance and extraction in Katanga/DRC. - Leipzig, 2010. - 26 S.

Jana Hönke: Fragile Staatlichkeit und der Wandel der Afrikapolitik nach 1990. - Leipzig, 2005. - 51 S.


Sarah Katz-Lavigne, Jana Hönke: Cobalt isn't a conflict mineral. In: Africa Is a Country, 2018-11-09

Jana Hönke: Does big business build peace?. In: The Washington Post's Monkey Cage, 2014-09-29

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Faculty of Humanities and Social Science
Department of Sociology

Prof. Dr. Jana Hönke
Professor for Sociology of Africa

Building: GW II Room: 0015

Office hours: Tuesdays 15-16. Please email Annalisa Perone at SozAfr@uni-bayreuth.de to arrange an appointment.

Phone: +49 (0)921/55-4137
E-mail: jana.hoenke@uni-bayreuth.de

Webmaster: Univ.Prof.Dr. Jana Hönke

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