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Lehrstuhl Soziologie in Afrika - Prof. Dr. Jana Hönke

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Public Colloquium with Bronwyn Dworzanowski-Venter (University of Johannesburg)

Presence (Room RW I, S 58) and Online (zoom)

In the sixth session of the Global Sociology and Politics Colloquium, Bronwyn Dworzanowski-Venter from the University of Johannesburg will speak about Postcolonial Thought and Social Theory. Reading Julian Go.

Dr. Bronwyn Dworzanowski-Venter is a Senior Research Associate at the University of Johannesburg. His research focuses on emotional labour, intersectional gender approaches and postcolonial theory.

The public event starts at Wednesday, 19th of January at 4:15 pm.

Organised by Prof. Dr. Jana Hönke & Prof. Dr. Alexander Stroh-Steckelberg
In-person: Room RW I, S 58
Online: Zoom Meeting-ID: 648 5700 0013, Code: 413545

Verantwortlich für die Redaktion: Lisa Sophie Skender

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