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Lehrstuhl Soziologie in Afrika - Prof. Dr. Jana Hönke

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Vorlesungsserie | Prof. Jana Hönke | South-South Security Arrangements and Postcolonial Hierarchies

Dieser Vortrag ist Teil der Vortragsreihe War. Peace. Security. organisiert von Dr. Cindy Wittke (IOS Regensburg) mit Dr. Paul Vickers (ScienceCampus) und Prof. Ulf Brunnbauer (IOS Regensburg). Der Vortrag wird in englischer Sprache gehalten.

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Wann? 15. Januar 2025

Wann? Mittwoch, 15. Januar 2025, 14:15-15:45

Wo? H 26, UR-Campus


Kenyan police officers arrived in Haiti in 2024 as the first contingent of a new, Kenya-led Multinational Security Support mission. In Mali, private military personnel of the Russian Wagner Group have been fighting alongside the Malian Armed Forces since 2021. These are but two out of many South-South arrangements on the rise in Africa, and in international interventions and transnational security governance more broadly. This talk will discuss how these arrangements contest but also sustain postcolonial hierarchies in contemporary security governance. While postcolonial hierarchies have been discussed in the context of North-South security relations, it will be argued that they are at work in new security relations across the Global South and East as well.    

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